Today was a really good day...well except for the accident but we will leave that between the 3 chicas! But it was GREAT DAY because I got to hang out with my best friends! I know to the regular person this would not necessarily be a significant event, but it was a celebration for my bestest gal Bianka's birthday (the BIG 21). Melissa (my other best friend) and I took her to NAVA in buckhead, and then bought her charms for her bracelet at Tiffany's. Although, we did not do anything 21ish, besides Bebe getting a glass of wine, bebe seemed to really enjoy it. I love giving my frineds gifts and surprises it's a small way to show them I care. However, this day was not only for Bianka, it was also a day for just us. I am going back to school in 4 days and I won't see them for atleast 2 months. And I know you ask "well you've been doing that for 4 years what's the big deal?" The big deal is that the longer we're in college, and the older we get, the more time I wish I could spend with them. I know it has a lot to do with the fact that we are growing older, and as age grows so do the distances which we will soon be seperated. Bianka will probably always remain in GA, but she will be so busy with med school and various activites that it will be hard to get together with her. Missy ,chances are, will not stay in GA and will end up in NewYork, Michigan, Cali, or some other random place doing her "thug thizzle" (law school), and I will hopefully, if everything goes as planned, probably not be in America. I want to spend time with them to make sure our bond of frinedship is as concrete as possible. I want to make sure they know how much they mean to me, how I would be lost without them, that no matter how far apart we are i'll always be there for them, and that I love them soooo much!! I don't want us to have such completely different lives that I will get a random invite to their weddings in 5-10 years and have no idea who they are marrying. I don't want that for any of my close friends. I wish I could remain close with everyone, but it's so hard! But I am going to try my damndest to let all those I love know that I love them, and I will always be there for them!
Well, the summerof '05 is almost over. I am about to enter my final year at Mercer University. It's really weird to say that, because even now, after almost 3 years, I still feel as if I have no clue what to do with my life. Granted I know what I would love to do, but having the courage to pursue it is another issue. It is hard to go after your dreams especially if you do not know if you will necessarily be successful at it. However, I also know that with a little faith and strength I can do it. I do know for a fact that I would much rather do something that I love than do something that is safe and boring. So when I make a final decision...I'll let ya know!!
Well, the summerof '05 is almost over. I am about to enter my final year at Mercer University. It's really weird to say that, because even now, after almost 3 years, I still feel as if I have no clue what to do with my life. Granted I know what I would love to do, but having the courage to pursue it is another issue. It is hard to go after your dreams especially if you do not know if you will necessarily be successful at it. However, I also know that with a little faith and strength I can do it. I do know for a fact that I would much rather do something that I love than do something that is safe and boring. So when I make a final decision...I'll let ya know!!