Friday, April 18, 2008

This is a small sample of the traditional dance of Batuk. The beat that the women are playing is the traditional beat. However the song being sung now aer usually about Social issues. These were "batukadeiras" from Pilão Cão, Ponta Verde, Rabelado, and some other zones that I can´t quite remember at this very moment. This is one of the coolest experiences during the meeting. I felt a connection and such a shared pride for these women dancing and singing. They loved it...this is a dance that, as they will tell you, was born out of pain and suffering and they will also tell you that you have to find joy and motivation anyway you can, even through dance and song.

Dia de Mulheres de Cabo Verde

This year in Calheta de Sao Miguel, Cape Verdean women’s day was celebrated on March 29th. During the previous two weeks I went around Sao Miguel taking pictures of the life of women; and so there was a small exhibit of the pictures that I had taken as you walk into the conference room. The Expo was named “Exposição de dia a dia de Mulheres de São Miguel.”
It was a Saturday and the Social development part of the Câmara, a Peace Corps volunteer (me), and 70 women and 6 men came together for an open forum about the problem of Domestic Violence. The discussion began with what was considered harassment, the different forms of harassment, and then different forms of abuse. It stayed on task for the most part, but the conversation inevitably led to gender roles in Cape Verde and how women and men do not see each other as equals in marriage and in the home. “Machismo” and relationships outside of marriages was also a hot topic. The few men in the crowd actually did voice their opinions which helped add fuel to the conversation. It also helped to have “real-time” examples such as stories people knew about from around Sao Miguel, as well as the much talked and reported about stories on the news concerning domestic violence in Praia and Assomada. At one point the president of the Camara showed up to say “happy women’s day” to the women there and also to give a very short talk on women’s roles in development. The forum was concluded with a very prideful and excited Batuk presentation and then lunch was served outside.