Friday, September 23, 2011

"Troy Davis' execution and the limits of Twitter"

Yes, social media has changed the face of activism. I do not think it is a substitute for letter writing, phone calls, or protest but I do think it allows people all over the world to hear about issues and feel as if they could be a part of it. People not just in Georgia or America are thinking about Troy Davis, but people in Latin America, Europe, and Asia are asking questions. It has caused a line of communication to open that might not have otherwise been there. I can also see that it has created levels of arguments that reach beyond just the American south. People on Twitter and Facebook were not just discussing Troy Davis, they were having a dialogue about the dealth penalty, the justice system, etc. Seeing as though this article was written by BBC I think social media does its job...

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

“The strictest law sometimes becomes the severest injustice.”

Justice means that the person who commits the crime should pay for that crime. Justice means people should get what they deserve no matter rank, income level, or status. In the last few months people have been talking about Troy Davis. As they should. Troy Davis represents the flaws of the system. He will be executed tonight if the cries and protest of the people are not heard. Troy Davis is being executed because he was too poor to get the most thorough investigation and questioning by his low on money, pro-bono law firm. Troy Davis is being exectued because witnesses were bribed, coerced, and threatened to identfy him as the killer. And, Troy Davis is being executed because the system will not admit a mistake. We should all be outraged at this case. If Troy Davis dies tonight we must all recognize that human rights violations and injustice can happen to any of us. This is not the behavior of a country that claims to be enligtened, fair, and free. If troy Davis dies tonight then we are no better than the dictators, tyrants, and villains we fight against.The MacPhail family lost a loved one and that is heartbreakng, but they need and deserve the guilty party to be held accountable. If we must use the barbaric sytem, then at the very least it should be true and fair. We should all want people to pay if they are guilty, and those who appear innocent to be freed. At the very least, the system should be conciously seeking the truth. However, in this case it seems that the system is allowing a man to lose his life so that it can save face.