Friday, December 09, 2011

The Tree of Life

I finally watched Terrence Malick's Tree of Life and I have to say that it is a beautiful film: the way the camera moves across galaxies, landscapes, and the faces of the characters. It was artisitic to say the least. With that being said, I do not really know how to tell people what it was about. It was about a lot and nothing at the same time. The movie involves three distinct story lines: A 1950's suburban family, A man named Jack, and the Universe. Brad Pitt was actually very good in his portrayal of the father. Jessica Chastain made me feel all her emotions without saying a lot. And, all the boys pulled at the heartstrings and invoked a remembrance of childhood.

The questions of faith, death and life, and relationships are constants on the minds of the characters. As Jack (Sean Penn) grows up he tries to figure out his relationship with his father. He struggled with death and living since he was young and never truly understood it. The movie also shows how complicated relationships with parents can be. How we take those first relationships into our minds as adults. How do you reconcile yourself with the ideas of your father? The heart of the movie does come from its characters. The Obrien's struggle with loss, pain, and a simple life. A father who wants his young boys to grow up respectful and disciplined. A mother who wants her family to feel loved and cared for most of all. And, boys, one in particular, who wants to understand his place, life, and what it all means. It is a beautiful story of family, that I truly believe Malick pulled from his own memories and heart. Those images and ideas could only come from personal struggle and experience.

However, for me the most prominent ideas were also the most frustrating. Life and death happen simultaneously. The beginnings of the galaxy and the end happen almost at the same time. In this long history, in this huge world our problems and issues are as big as the death of the dinosaurs or the creation of the planets. How can we make sense of our own existence in the midst of the Big Bang? If our "small" lives are all that exist what happens after the earth passes away? The movie is ambitous to say the least. But I don't know if Malick summoned Kubrick or 2001 A space Odyssey but I definitely felt its presence. The movie can be frustrating and it can be, well, weird but I do believe it tries to artistically express the questions and concerns that all of mankind has been asking since the beginning of creation.

Thursday, December 08, 2011

Sarah's Key: A Human History

Finally geting around to telling all of you about Sarah's Key. It is a movie that everyone must see. Harrowing, painful, redemptive, tragic...The story is about man's treatment of man and the abilty to find forgiveness, hope, and a life-lesson in a time of great pain, a horribly-gruesome atrocity, and personal tragedies. This is not just French or Jewish history, it is Human history! The movie really struck me and had a profound impact on my view of WW2 and the Holocaust.
I think the idea that really struck me was that this all occurred only 70 years ago. This is a history that also continually repeats itself. We watch and hear of what is going on in Syria, Sudan, Rwanda, Burma and everyone just says "they will work it out." But the sad part is that it will get worked out but how many generations will it take? How many children, women, men have to die before we take action? We are so caught up in not getting in trouble, stepping on the wrong toes, and not intruding that we sacrifice innocent lives. Sarah's Key also brought up the question for me of "what would I do" or "what would my neighbor do" if this happened tomorow or next month. It is an astounding movie and I think it should be seen by all!

The Hypocrisy of the Faith-Based Politician

Why is it ok for people to say hateful things in the name of Christianity? When did politics become religion? All of these hateful, ignorant, close-minded people running for President make me sick! I am not an atheist, I do believe in God and religion, but I don't think I serve the same God that Rick Perry or Michelle Bachmann serve. Can't be. The God I know is kind, accepting, and concerned with the bigger picture. All of these crazy conservatives who are quick to throw Christianity in people's faces are the same people who don't want to help the poor, could care less about the earth, and see people in hieracrchies. They are so concerned about who people love and marry, and don't think twice about compassion, kindness, and understanding of all people. Why would God want you to spew venom and curses on his children? He wants all people on this earth to be brothers and sisters. We are all from the same source, made of the same materials. However, these conservatives think that it is ok to tell the LGBT community that they are not worthy, that they are not human, and that they do not deserve anything that this "land of tolerance and peace" has to offer, but they definitely want these same people to fight for the country, pay taxes to the government, and support their policies. These politicians look down on gay/black/different people and we all laugh and say "yeah they must be the cause of the depravity in this world" when in fact, hatred and ignorance is the cause of all the bad things in this world. If we look back, this same type of anger and hatred was used against Native Americans, the Chinese, African Americans, and has now progressed to immigrants and people of middle-eastern descent (Not to say that any of this is new for any minority, nor has it stopped for any partcular group). It is sad to watch the way they can have ads on TV about how much they hate people and claim that there has been an "attack" on their beloved christianity. To quote a cliche, but would Jesus do that? These politicians are not showing anyone why people should like and hold Christians in high regard. If anything, they make people despise them, including a crazy-christian like me!

                                                              Rick Perry's Campaign Video:

                                                            Response to Rick Perry:

Tuesday, December 06, 2011

All I want for Christmas...

Looking for great gifts that also give back, check out these ideas from

11 Holiday Gift Programs That Benefit Nonprofits and Make the World A Better Place :: 2011 Edition

November 17, 2011

1. 10,000 Villages Online Store: One of the world’s largest fair trade organizations and a founding member of the World Fair Trade Organization (WFTO), 10,000 Villages offers gifts and accessories representing the diverse cultures of artisans from 38 countries. Your purchases help improve the lives of tens of thousands of artisans worldwide. [Shop 10,000 Villages]

2. Best Friends Animal Society Online Store: There’s no reason to shop at the big box pet stores for the animal lovers in your life this holiday season when you can purchase collars, treats, and toys directly from one of the best animal charities in the United States. [Shop Best Friends Animal Society]

3. CARE Packages: CARE has a very unique holiday gift program that allows you to compile care packages to send to women entrepreneurs and girls worldwide. As a group or as an individual, CARE Packages can help send girls in Afghanistan to school for a year, or help expectant mothers in Peru safely deliver. It’s fun and you’ll be bringing hope to girls and women around the world. [Send a CARE Package]

4. Concern Worldwide Gifts: When you buy Concern Gifts, you support Concern’s work in 25 countries worldwide – bringing food, clean water, good health, education and a higher standard of living within reach of more people. Although Concern is based in the U.K., their gift program also accepts U.S.-issued credit cards. [Shop Concern Gifts]
5. Feeding America Tribute Gifts: With poverty and food insecurity at record levels in the Untied States, it’s practically your patriotic duty to donate to Feeding America! [Give a Feeding America Tribute Gift]
6. Jane Goodall Institute Online Store: You don’t have to be primate activist to shop at the JGI Online Store. Their store also offers jewelry, African art and music, and clothing. That said, there’s also some great gifts for the primate activists in your life. [Shop the Jane Goodall Institute Online Store]
7. Kiva Cards: Starting a $25, Kiva Cards change lives. You can purchase Kiva Cards which then can be redeemed by your gift recipient to fund a loan of his or her choosing. A microfinance nonprofit working to uplift entrepreneurs out of poverty worldwide, this is great holiday gift for those subscribe to the belief of giving a hand-up, not a handout. [Buy Kiva Cards]

8. Save the Children Gifts of Joy: From ornaments handmade in India to the sponsorship of a girl’s education in a developing nation to providing health snacks at school to children in the United States, Save the Children has put a together a great online catalog for giving this holiday season. [Give a Save the Children Gift of Joy]

9. Sea Shepherd Conservation Society Online Store: If you have a family member or friend who supports saving the whales and dolphins from slaughter with direct action and activist intervention, then Sea Shepherd is a great choice for a holiday gift. The nonprofit behind Whale Wars, their online store also includes numerous items ideal for skaters, surfers, and other ocean-loving hipsters. [Shop Sea Shepherd]

10. Special Olympics Tribute Gifts: An excellent choice for the athletes in your life, Special Olympics Tribute Gifts enable those with intellectual disabilities to experience the power of sports to create champions. [Give a Special Olympics Tribute Gift]

11. Women for Women International’s Gifts That Give Back: Women for Women’s gifts enable you to empower women to rebuild their lives after the ravages of war. You can purchase everything from looms to farming supplies to books, rulers, and pencils which are then given in the name of your gift recipient to a woman in war-torn country. [Give a Women for Women's Gift That Gives Back]

Friday, September 23, 2011

"Troy Davis' execution and the limits of Twitter"

Yes, social media has changed the face of activism. I do not think it is a substitute for letter writing, phone calls, or protest but I do think it allows people all over the world to hear about issues and feel as if they could be a part of it. People not just in Georgia or America are thinking about Troy Davis, but people in Latin America, Europe, and Asia are asking questions. It has caused a line of communication to open that might not have otherwise been there. I can also see that it has created levels of arguments that reach beyond just the American south. People on Twitter and Facebook were not just discussing Troy Davis, they were having a dialogue about the dealth penalty, the justice system, etc. Seeing as though this article was written by BBC I think social media does its job...

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

“The strictest law sometimes becomes the severest injustice.”

Justice means that the person who commits the crime should pay for that crime. Justice means people should get what they deserve no matter rank, income level, or status. In the last few months people have been talking about Troy Davis. As they should. Troy Davis represents the flaws of the system. He will be executed tonight if the cries and protest of the people are not heard. Troy Davis is being executed because he was too poor to get the most thorough investigation and questioning by his low on money, pro-bono law firm. Troy Davis is being exectued because witnesses were bribed, coerced, and threatened to identfy him as the killer. And, Troy Davis is being executed because the system will not admit a mistake. We should all be outraged at this case. If Troy Davis dies tonight we must all recognize that human rights violations and injustice can happen to any of us. This is not the behavior of a country that claims to be enligtened, fair, and free. If troy Davis dies tonight then we are no better than the dictators, tyrants, and villains we fight against.The MacPhail family lost a loved one and that is heartbreakng, but they need and deserve the guilty party to be held accountable. If we must use the barbaric sytem, then at the very least it should be true and fair. We should all want people to pay if they are guilty, and those who appear innocent to be freed. At the very least, the system should be conciously seeking the truth. However, in this case it seems that the system is allowing a man to lose his life so that it can save face.

Wednesday, September 07, 2011

MOVE from Rick Mereki on Vimeo.

Seeing Beauty in the Darkness

*Picture By Anton Jakovoy *

This picture helps to remind me that there is a mystery and beauty that surrounds all of us. Even in the darkest, farthest corner of the world, one can find astounding beauty. However, it require your eyes to be open and your senses alert. Never be afraid to find beauty and miracles in the darkness.

Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Goapele - Play

I am loving this song...she is one of my favorite artist and I am so glad that I discovered her. Enjoy!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Female artist with talent? huh?

Can I truly understand this world we live in? What does creativity mean now?I am listening to Adele's new cd and I don't understand the world we live in. Adele's new cd is called 21 and she is truly inspiring. She encapasulates all emotions within one song. Her voice is amazing, her producers are great, and the writing is beautiful. How is it that she is not a front-runner in the academy of music? She is not alone: Ledisi, Jazmine Sullivan, Liz Wright, etc. All of these amazing women who continually show the abnormal amounts of talents that exists in the world. Every now and then they are allowed to showcase talents on smaller award shows and events. Yet, they are bypassed when it comes to grammys (except Adele who has 2) and the like. I just don't understand why people are so enamored by women of sex and never concerned with women of true talent and confidence. I mean, I listen to 'set fire to the rain' or even 'he won't go' and I can genuinely hear the pain, love, and passion that lies within the words.

It seems that appearance is the only thing that matters. I understand that from the executive level, people have peripheral decision making skills. People take the short root in understanding the world around them. Instead of truly going after talent, inspiration, etc. it is much easier to follow attractiveness than it is to seek out real talented, beautiful artist. I would love to see recognition being given to Esperanza Spalding. She is an amazingly talented woman, who the academy recognized, not for record sales and hoopla, buy because she is a promising, insparational, and talented woman. I have both cds and alway wondered why she was not talked about. The academy took a chance and gave her a grammy, because she deserved it, and outrage instead of congratulations was the talk of the town. No, she is not Drake or Justin Bieber. But she is a black, jazz singer and she is phenomenal. Her ability to be different and her amazing difference should be celebrated.

In essence, talent should be rewarded not just when it is in a sexy, provocative package. It should be celebrated in strength, creativity, and difference.